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IMAGE CREDIT TO Damien Symon@detresfa_

India has issued a crucial notification declaring a no-fly zone around the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, located near the strategically vital Malacca Strait. This temporary airspace restriction has been put in place explicitly for “Missile Firing” activities and will be effective from October 10, 2023, to October 12, 2023. The designated no-fly zone covers an area spanning 445 kilometers.

This move aligns with past missile firing exercises conducted in the region, primarily focusing on the testing of the BrahMos Supersonic cruise missile. The BrahMos missile, known for its exceptional speed and precision, has been regularly tested by both the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Indian Navy in the vicinity of the Andaman & Nicobar Islands.

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India’s Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) and the Indian Air Force (IAF) are engaged in discussions that could potentially lead to the procurement of an additional 100 Tejas Mk1A fighter jets. These new aircraft are expected to come with a host of improvements aimed at addressing technical obsolescence in the system and increasing indigenous content.

Unlike the previous order of 73 Tejas Mk1A fighters placed in 2021, the upcoming batch is set to feature a significantly higher level of indigenous content. This move aligns with India’s commitment to bolster its domestic defence manufacturing capabilities and reduce dependency on foreign suppliers.

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India’s ambitious foray into the development of its first Medium Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) class drone, the TAPAS BH-201, might see a significant reduction in orders from both the Indian Air Force (IAF) and the Indian Army.

Technical challenges related to the drone’s weight, design limitations, and performance parameters have raised concerns, prompting a reevaluation of procurement plans as confirmed to by people familiar with the matter.

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The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is poised to embark on a significant milestone in its quest to bolster India’s air defence capabilities. In the coming months, as the monsoon season subsides on the eastern coast, DRDO plans to conduct the first phase of its indigenous S-400 equivalent program known as the Extended Range Air Defence System (ERADS) Program.

This endeavor begins with the testing of the Extended Range Surface to Air Missile (ERSAM) Interceptor Air Defence system, boasting an impressive range of 150 kilometers.

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The Indian Air Force (IAF) is set to enhance its Mig-29UPG fleet with the latest modular, multi-band, and multi-channel BNET SDR (Software Defined Radio) system, marking a significant technological leap. Orders worth 96 crores have been placed by the IAF for the supply of SDR kits and testers to facilitate the upgrade, and the contract has been awarded to Astra Rafael Comsys Pvt. Ltd, a joint venture between India’s Astra Microwave Products Limited and Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd.

The IAF has embarked on a comprehensive program to equip its older generation fighter jets with the cutting-edge BNET – AR (Airborne) system, which has already proven its capabilities. Recent integrations have included the Mig-21 fleet, Su-30MKI fleet, and LCA-Tejas fleet.

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Lekha Wireless Solutions, an iDEX (Innovations for Defence Excellence) winner, has achieved another significant milestone by signing a procurement contract with the Indian Navy. The contract, valued at Rs. 3.80 Crore, pertains to the supply of a “4G/LTE Tactical LAN” system.

In an era where rapid communication is paramount, defense forces around the world recognize the need for deploying high-speed cellular-type networks swiftly to meet the complex communication requirements of battlefield management. Lekha Wireless Solutions has stepped forward to address this crucial need with its innovative 4G/LTE Tactical LAN system.

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The Indian Army is taking a significant step towards bolstering its artillery capabilities with plans to procure up to 1200 next-generation Towed Gun Systems (TGS), with an initial order for 400 units. This procurement initiative represents a crucial advancement in the modernization of India’s artillery forces.

The TGS, designed to be within the 15-ton weight category, will incorporate a range of state-of-the-art upgrades and features to enhance its performance and versatility. Among these enhancements are:

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In a strategic move to bolster its maritime defence capabilities, the Indian Navy is exploring the integration of Frontline Warship Low-cost Loitering Munitions. These precision munitions represent a cost-effective solution to counter sea-based threats, including unmanned surface vessels and enemy warships equipped with long-range capabilities, thereby acting as force multipliers in naval warfare.

Loitering munitions, also known as suicide drones or kamikaze drones, are unmanned aerial vehicles designed for a unique purpose – to loiter on the battlefield, identify high-value targets, and then engage and neutralize them. Their ability to linger in the vicinity of potential threats makes them invaluable assets in modern naval warfare.

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IMAGE CREDIT Damien Symon@detresfa_

India has issued a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) from its eastern coast, indicating an upcoming missile test that is scheduled to take place from October 5, 2023, to October 9, 2023. The designated testing area covers a range of 2,000 kilometres, signifying the likely test of the Agni-1P missile.

The Agni-1P is a two-stage, solid-fueled Medium-Range Ballistic Missile (MRBM) that falls under the category of surface-to-surface missiles. It is designed to be road-mobile, offering enhanced flexibility and mobility for the armed forces. This missile variant has been developed and tested by India’s Strategic Forces Command (SFC) as part of the User Trials phase before it can be cleared for production and operational deployment.

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The Indian Navy is embarking on a significant endeavor to fund the development of cutting-edge Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) and Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG) systems. These systems will be integrated into the proposed 65,000-tonne aircraft carrier, IAC-III, which will utilize a “catapult assisted take-off but arrested recovery” (CATOBAR) configuration.

While General Atomics, renowned for developing EMALS and AAG systems for the U.S. Navy’s nuclear-powered, 100,000-tonne supercarriers, has offered its customized systems to the Indian Navy, the substantial overhaul cost of approximately $1 billion has deterred the Navy from importing them. Instead, the Indian Navy has opted to take on the responsibility of funding the development of these critical systems within the country.

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In a groundbreaking partnership that leverages deep technology expertise, NewSpace Research and Technologies (NRT) has joined forces with AutonomyHD, led by Professor Kenzo Nonami, a renowned robotics scientist in Japan. This collaboration aims to create the Autonomous Swarm Systems for Intelligent and Swift Turnaround (ASSIST) initiative, focusing on disaster management missions.

NRT’s demonstration of cutting-edge swarming technologies marks a historic milestone in this collaboration. Professor Nonami, impressed by NRT’s capabilities, expressed his pride in working with the organization. He emphasized the importance of this collaboration, stating that they would collaborate with NRT to develop technologies for various applications in Japan.

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The Indian Navy is embarking on an ambitious endeavour to bolster its naval capabilities with the development of a second aircraft carrier, known as the Indigenous Aircraft Carrier II (IAC-II), and the proposed third aircraft carrier, IAC-III. These carriers will play a pivotal role in enhancing India’s maritime security and power projection in the Indo-Pacific region.

IAC-II represents a significant leap in India’s quest for self-reliance in defence manufacturing. It will be based on the Vikrant Class lead aircraft carrier but with a higher degree of indigenization. This means that a larger portion of the carrier’s components and systems will be manufactured domestically, reducing dependence on foreign suppliers.

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The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) is gearing up for a crucial phase in the development of its Long-Range Land Attack Cruise Missile (LRLACM), which is set to undergo trials in the coming weeks. This sub-sonic cruise missile boasts an impressive range of over 1000 kilometres, making it a significant addition to India’s defence capabilities.

The LRLACM program represents a strategic successor to India’s ongoing Nirbhay Cruise Missile program, which is being developed for both the Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force (IAF). With its extended range and advanced features, the LRLACM promises to bolster India’s offensive capabilities and serve as a formidable deterrent.

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During the Indo-Pacific Armies Chiefs Conference (IPACC) held in the Indian capital, New Delhi, Brazilian Army Chief of Staff, General Fernando Jose’ Santana Soares e Silva, expressed keen interest in Indian defence technologies. The conference provided an opportunity for India to showcase its indigenous defence capabilities to international delegates, and Brazil, in particular, expressed interest in several Indian innovations.

One of the highlights was the ALS-50, developed by Tata Advanced Systems Limited (TASL). This state-of-the-art system garnered attention from the Brazilian delegation due to its advanced features and capabilities.

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In a significant development, Elbit Systems, a global leader in defence technology, has joined forces with Adani Defence and Aerospace to bid for the Indian Army’s artillery gun requirements. The Indian Army’s quest for advanced artillery capabilities has led to the exploration of cutting-edge solutions, and the Elbit-Adani partnership aims to provide just that.

The Indian Army is actively seeking a 155mm/52 calibre howitzer that meets specific criteria, including a weight limit of under 15 tons. This requirement reflects the army’s emphasis on mobility and agility in modern warfare scenarios. Reports from suggest that the Indian Army is contemplating the procurement of 20 regiments, which amounts to nearly 400 guns. These artillery pieces are expected to be lighter and more agile compared to existing options such as the ATAGS (Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System) and the Dhanush Artillery gun.

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