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The Indian Army has recently undertaken an internal survey to evaluate the Agnipath scheme, a groundbreaking initiative introduced to modernize and rejuvenate the Armed Forces by recruiting young soldiers known as Agniveers on a short-term contractual basis. This proactive measure comes in response to feedback and operational experiences since the scheme’s implementation. The survey aims to identify areas for improvement and ensure the scheme’s long-term success and alignment with the Army’s strategic objectives.

Launched in 2022, the Agnipath scheme represents a paradigm shift in the recruitment process of the Indian Armed Forces. Under this initiative, young individuals are recruited as Agniveers for a four-year term, after which a select percentage are retained for longer service, while the others are offered assistance for resettlement in civilian life. The scheme aims to infuse the military with youthful energy and technical skills while providing disciplined, skilled personnel for the civilian workforce.

Objectives of the Internal Survey

The Army’s decision to conduct its own survey highlights a commitment to continuous improvement and adaptability. The primary objectives of this internal survey include:

  1. Evaluating Agniveer Performance: Assessing the operational effectiveness, discipline, and adaptability of Agniveers in various roles and environments.
  2. Identifying Training Gaps: Understanding any deficiencies or areas for enhancement in the training programs to better equip Agniveers for their roles.
  3. Gathering Feedback: Collecting insights and suggestions from Agniveers, their commanders, and other stakeholders to understand the ground realities and challenges faced.
  4. Assessing Retention and Transition: Evaluating the criteria and process for retaining a percentage of Agniveers beyond their initial tenure and facilitating the smooth transition of those who exit to civilian life.

Army aims to refine the scheme to better serve its strategic objectives and the aspirations of Agniveers. As adjustments are made, the Agnipath scheme promises to continue playing a vital role in shaping a modern, agile, and capable Indian Armed Forces while contributing positively to the nation’s human resource development.