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A recent report has revealed that ISIS has been targeting female employees in critical security roles at multinational corporations (MNCs) in India. The terror group is reportedly using women working in similar jobs to befriend and exploit these employees.

Security agencies are closely monitoring these women and their families to prevent them from being radicalized. ISIS’s goal is to disrupt the operations of MNCs and damage India’s image. This is a serious threat that needs to be addressed. Companies need to be vigilant and take steps to protect their employees from being targeted by ISIS. They should also provide training to employees on how to identify and report suspicious activity.

In addition, security agencies need to continue to closely monitor ISIS activity and take steps to prevent attacks.

Here are some additional steps that can be taken to protect female employees from being targeted by ISIS:

  • Companies should create a culture of security awareness among their employees.
  • Employees should be encouraged to report any suspicious activity to their supervisors or security officials.
  • Companies should provide training to employees on how to identify and avoid social engineering attacks.
  • Companies should review their security procedures to ensure that they are adequate to protect employees from being targeted by ISIS.