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Kuan-Ting Chen, a member of Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan representing Chiayi County, expressed optimism following Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s response to President Tsai Ing-wen’s congratulations on his election victory. Chen, in a statement, viewed this exchange as a potential turning point for Taiwan-India relations.

“This marks a new chapter in Taiwan-India relations,” Chen said, highlighting his “eagerness” for cooperation between the two countries, which he considers “leading nations in AI and IT.”

Chen, who focuses on defense and foreign affairs in his legislative role, sees a natural alliance forming between Taiwan and India. He emphasized his commitment, as a member of parliament, to fostering deeper collaboration, particularly in technological and industrial sectors.

The legislator urged for a stronger and more elevated relationship between the two nations, envisioning them as a powerful driving force in the Indo-Pacific region. Chen’s statement underscores the potential for Taiwan and India to leverage their technological prowess, capital, and shared vision for the future.