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Tensions flared in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POJK) on Friday as demonstrations against the Pakistani government turned violent. In the town of Rawalkot, reports emerged of the Indian flag being raised during the protests, signifying a strong sentiment for unification with India.

The protests, called for by the Jammu Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee (JKJAAC), erupted after several of its leaders were arrested by police. Clashes erupted in Muzaffarabad, the capital of POJK, with demonstrators resorting to stone pelting. Police responded with teargas shelling, causing distress to residents and disrupting religious services in mosques.

This latest unrest comes amidst a growing rights movement in POJK. The JKJAAC has been vocal against “unjust” taxes levied on electricity bills and had called for a similar shutdown strike last year.

This latest incident comes amidst a growing rights movement in PoJK. The Jammu Kashmir Joint Awami Action Committee has been vocal against what it terms “unjust” taxes levied on electricity bills. Last year, the committee organized a successful shutdown strike in protest against the same issue.

The situation remains tense, with the JKJAAC announcing a long march towards Muzaffarabad planned for tomorrow. It is unclear how authorities will respond to this planned escalation.