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Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited (MIDANI), an Indian state-owned company, is in discussions with Pratt & Whitney, a leading manufacturer of aircraft engines, for the potential supply of engine components.

Pratt & Whitney engines are ubiquitous in the aviation industry, powering both commercial airliners and military aircraft. While specific details regarding the components under discussion haven’t been disclosed by MIDANI due to ongoing negotiations, the potential partnership holds significant weight.

Pratt & Whitney boasts a commanding 35% market share in the commercial aircraft engine market, solidifying its position as the world’s second-largest manufacturer. This collaboration could see MIDANI supplying various components for different sections of Pratt & Whitney’s diverse engine portfolio.

The deal, if finalized, would mark a significant milestone for MIDANI, potentially positioning it as a key supplier within the global aerospace supply chain. This collaboration could also benefit Pratt & Whitney by potentially securing a reliable source for high-quality components.

The development is particularly noteworthy for India’s ambitions in the aerospace sector. By forging partnerships with established players like Pratt & Whitney, MIDANI can gain valuable experience and technology transfer, propelling India’s self-reliance in the aviation industry.

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