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Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders, a Defense Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) firm, has announced its groundbreaking achievement of developing India’s first truly indigenous conventional submarine.

The Midget submarine prototype, designated as MS-X02A, is scheduled to be commissioned by December 2024. It is expected to play a vital role in covert maritime missions, such as the infiltration of combat swimmers and the placement of limpet mines on target vessels.

The MS-X02A submarine has been designed to support covert military operations in both shallow and deep waters. It will facilitate ship-launched operations as well as independent missions. Its primary roles include infiltrating combat swimmers into enemy ports and deploying limpet mines on the hulls of target vessels. Additionally, it can discreetly transport a combat swimmer team to hostile shores for land-based missions.

The MS-X02A-type Midget Submarines are equipped to carry a pilot, co-pilot, and combat swimmer team along with their necessary equipment. This submarine acts as a reliable means of transportation to and from maritime mission objectives, both on land and at sea. In some instances, the pilot and co-pilot themselves are part of the swimmer team, enhancing their capabilities for seamless operations.

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