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BrahMos might be the Gold standard when it comes to cruise missile technology but it is also very expensive and India can make no more than 15 units in a month in case of prolonged war, BrahMos inventory will deplete fast as seen in the Russia-Ukraine war where Russia is running out of precision-guided cruise missile due to shortage of western chips due to which Top brass at Indian Army after multiple deliberations soon will allow proposals from Private sector companies. has been told that few Private sector companies have offered to develop low-cost cruise missiles that can be used as tactical weapons systems that are not only cheaper to manufacture but production of which can be ramped up when required.

Solar Group along with a few more Private sector companies have offered to develop a variety of ultra-low-cost cruise missiles with a range from 150km to 700km. The army is currently studying multiple proposals that are been offered and soon will be selecting a few of them that will later enter the prototype stage. Army wants to have high local content so that products are not affected by the global supply chain.

State-owned DRDO is also working on a long-range sub-sonic cruise missile that will have a range of 1000-1500km but the program is still in the developmental stage and might not be ready for production for a few more years. Private sector companies offering cruise missiles are short to medium-range cruise missiles that are cheaper to manufacture and can be mounted on 8×8 vehicles to increase their mobility.

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