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Paris-based technology giant Dassault Systèmes announced on Monday its ambitious plan to generate $1 billion in revenue from the Indian market by 2027. The company’s CEO, Pascal Daloz, emphasized India’s rapid growth and significant potential in the realm of virtual twins and simulation technologies.

Pascal Daloz highlighted the strategic importance of India in Dassault Systèmes’ global business operations. “India is a fast-growing market for virtual twins, and in the virtual world, we can simulate and evaluate the impact of our actions before making them real,” Daloz stated. This focus aligns with the increasing demand for advanced simulation and modeling technologies across various sectors in India.

Dassault Systèmes, a subsidiary of the renowned Dassault Group, reported close to €7 billion in global revenue for 2023. The company aims to capitalize on India’s burgeoning market by leveraging its advanced virtual twin technology to achieve a substantial $1 billion revenue target within the next three years.

he versatility of Dassault Systèmes’ virtual twin technology is a key driver behind its optimistic outlook for the Indian market. The technology is applicable across a broad spectrum of industries, including:

  • Aerospace Manufacturing: Enhancing the design and production processes for aircraft.
  • Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare: Streamlining drug development, clinical trials, and the manufacturing of medical devices.
  • Automotive and Electric Vehicle Manufacturing: Innovating in the design and production of vehicles, including EVs.
  • Education: Providing advanced simulation tools for educational purposes.
  • Consumer Goods: Improving the design and production processes for various consumer products.

Virtual twin technology allows for multiple iterations of a product, solution, or platform to be perfected without substantial expenditure on physical prototypes, human labor, or time. This efficiency is particularly attractive to industries focused on innovation and cost-effectiveness.