Local Kashmiri media reported that a drone-like object was discovered near the Line of Control (LoC) in the Balakote sector of Mendhar, Poonch district, Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday. Officials stated that around 3:15 am, the object was spotted fallen and damaged near the fence, ahead of Government High School Dharati in the Balakote Sector.
An examination of the debris by experts at, suggests it might be a landing gear component potentially belonging to an Israeli Searcher Mk II UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). India acquired Searcher Mk II UAVs sometime after 2000.
As of this report, the Indian Armed Forces have not confirmed whether the wreckage belongs to one of their Searcher Mk II UAVs.
The Searcher Mk II is a multi-mission tactical UAV system known for its capabilities:
- Length: 5.85 meters
- Wingspan: 8.55 meters
- Endurance: Up to 18 hours
- Range: 300 kilometers
- Maximum Altitude: 20,000 feet