Pakistan recently marked a significant milestone in its space exploration endeavors with the launch of its first-ever lunar mission, iCube-Qamar. Launched in collaboration with China, the satellite embarked on its journey from the Chinese city of Hainan, destined to orbit the moon as part of Beijing’s Chang’e-6 space mission. While this event signifies a leap forward for Pakistan’s space ambitions, it has also sparked comparisons and controversies, particularly in the context of India’s Chandrayaan-2 mission.
The parallels drawn between iCube-Qamar and Chandrayaan-2 by Pakistani netizens have stirred debate and mockery from their Indian counterparts. One of the primary reasons for this comparison is the involvement of China in both missions. However, the nature of collaboration and the level of contribution from each country differ significantly.
Unlike Chandrayaan-2, where India played a leading role in spacecraft development, payload integration, and mission execution, iCube-Qamar’s development was primarily led by a Chinese institution, with limited input from Pakistan. This lack of substantial contribution from Pakistan has led to skepticism and criticism, particularly from those questioning the authenticity of labeling it as a Pakistani mission.
Furthermore, the size and scope of iCube-Qamar have also invited ridicule from Indian netizens. Described as a mini-satellite, iCube-Qamar’s stature and capabilities are reminiscent of satellites often developed by college and school students in India. This comparison has highlighted the disparity in technological prowess between the two neighboring nations, further fueling the online banter.