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Lockheed Martin India is making a strong play for the Indian Air Force’s (IAF) Multi-Transport Aircraft (MTA) program, offering its proven C-130J Super Hercules tactical transport aircraft. This comes despite the company also offering its KC-130J variant, a tanker version of the Hercules.

The IAF is seeking to procure 60-80 transport aircraft to replace its aging fleet of An-32s, originally acquired from the Soviet Union in the early 1980s. Lockheed Martin is clearly aiming for a larger slice of the IAF’s modernization pie.

The company is particularly keen on establishing local production of the C-130J in India. This aligns with the government’s “Make in India” initiative and could potentially sweeten the deal for the IAF.

India is already familiar with the C-130J’s capabilities. The IAF currently operates a fleet of 12 Super Hercules aircraft, making it one of 22 nations to leverage this versatile platform for tactical airlift missions.

With its proven track record and potential for local production, the C-130J seems to be a strong contender for the IAF’s MTA program. Whether it clinches the deal remains to be seen, but Lockheed Martin is clearly making a determined effort.