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The Indian Army, taking cues from the lessons learned in the ongoing Ukraine war, is prioritizing the development of a highly mobile and lethal artillery system known as the Towed Gun System (TGS). This decision comes on the heels of the Army receiving an Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) for the project from the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC).

One of the key takeaways from the war in Ukraine is the critical importance of rapid artillery displacement. Defence experts have highlighted the vulnerability of towed artillery that takes more than 10-15 minutes to set up and relocate. In a modern battlefield with drones and counter-battery fire, such sluggishness can prove fatal.

The Indian Army is addressing this concern by seeking a TGS that prioritizes mobility and manoeuvrability. The system is planned to weigh less than 15 tons and features a barrel capable of firing extended-range artillery shells that can reach targets beyond 100 kilometres. Lighter weight and faster deployment ensure greater survivability against counter-battery fire and drone attacks.

The Army is already in talks with potential industrial partners to identify and integrate cutting-edge technologies into the TGS. These include:

  • Soft recoil systems: These absorb the recoil force more efficiently, enabling quicker firing and faster relocation.
  • Lightweight structures: Advanced materials and innovative design choices will further reduce the overall weight of the system.
  • Enhanced fire control systems: Integrated fire control systems will improve targeting accuracy and reduce reaction time.

Defence analyst Ranesh Rajan, speaking to, emphasizes the vital role of adaptable artillery in today’s battlefield. He states, “Artillery survival on the modern battlefield is more difficult than ever. Towed howitzers are being destroyed because they can’t emplace and displace fast enough.” The TGS project aims to address this vulnerability, prioritizing mobility, range, and survivability to ensure the Indian Army maintains its artillery edge on the modern battlefield.

The development of the TGS signifies a forward-thinking approach by the Indian Army, embracing lessons learned from recent conflicts and investing in robust, adaptable artillery systems. This focus on mobility and cutting-edge technology promises to enhance the Army’s firepower and survivability, safeguarding its artillery advantage in the years to come.

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