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India is setting its sights on building a third aircraft carrier, a move driven by the need to safeguard its dominance in the Indian Ocean amidst potential conflict with China and Pakistan. The addition of a new carrier would bolster India’s naval power and equip it to handle a two-front war scenario.

The strategic significance of the Indian Ocean for India cannot be overstated. The vast maritime stretch serves as India’s lifeline, through which it conducts a significant portion of its trade and energy imports. With China’s growing naval presence in the region and an unresolved border dispute simmering between the two nations, India perceives a strategic threat to its interests. Additionally, the volatile relationship with Pakistan necessitates a robust naval defense in the Arabian Sea.

The new aircraft carrier is envisioned to be built domestically, aligning with India’s push for self-sufficiency in defense manufacturing. This pursuit of indigenization extends beyond aircraft carriers, encompassing a wider range of naval equipment. However, concerns linger regarding potential delays in the project’s timeline, echoing the challenges faced during the construction of India’s first domestically built carrier.

In conclusion, India’s decision to build a third aircraft carrier underscores its strategic ambitions in the Indian Ocean. The carrier will be a critical asset in ensuring India’s maritime dominance and safeguarding its interests in the face of a complex geopolitical landscape. The success of this endeavor will hinge not only on India’s technological prowess but also on its ability to streamline the indigenous production process.