India’s ambitious program to develop the fifth-generation Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA) reportedly faces an unexpected hurdle – cost. According to India-today media reports, the program’s proposal for Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) clearance, seeking approval for a budget of nearly ?15,000 crore, had encountered opposition.
Sources suggest this resistance came from multiple fronts, including a section within the Indian Armed Forces itself. Concerns reportedly revolve around the program’s high financial demands.
The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), spearheading the AMCA project, reportedly encountered significant bureaucratic hurdles in securing initial approval. They submitted the proposal for CCS clearance nearly a year ago. However, gaining the necessary green light required extensive negotiations with Indian officials.
To expedite approval, the ADA reportedly conveyed concerns to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) regarding the project’s potential obsolescence. They argued that further delays could compromise the AMCA’s relevance in the global technological race.
The report highlights the example of Turkey’s first flight of its TF-X stealth fighter jet, dubbed the “Kaan.” This development, according to sources, may have served as a wake-up call, emphasizing that India risked falling behind other nations actively developing next-generation combat aircraft.
Whether the first flight of the Kaan ultimately influenced the CCS’s decision remains unclear. However, reports suggest that the ADA’s persistence, coupled with concerns about falling behind competitors, might pave the way for eventual approval.