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Spain’s recent decision to deny entry to a ship carrying explosives from India bound for Israel has ignited speculation about India’s potential involvement in the ongoing Gaza conflict. However, analysts believe the shipment was more likely destined for a third-party vendor and not intended for military use.

Experts downplayed the possibility that the explosives were meant for Israeli weaponry. “The conflict involves hand-to-hand fighting, targeted bombing, and attrition warfare,” explained Pushpesh Pant, a former academic. “These tactics don’t necessitate Indian weapons as high-precision bombing is employed.”

Pant further highlighted the civilian applications of explosives, including mining and construction. He also pointed out India’s technological lag compared to Israel and the US in modern explosives.

The complex logistics involved in arms trade further weakens the theory of covert Indian aid. Tight blockades by land and sea make supplying weapons to Israel a significant challenge.

Despite being a major weapons supplier to India and sharing military intelligence, Israel’s actions have led to declining support for Palestinians among some Indians. The Indian government has attempted to maintain a neutral stance by sending humanitarian aid to Gaza.

An anonymous source acknowledged the opacity of the arms trade. “Companies operating outside a country’s borders can facilitate weapons exports,” the source said. While a potential quid pro quo between India and Israel cannot be entirely discounted, the current evidence points towards a more likely scenario of the explosives being intended for a civilian purpose or a third-party buyer.