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India is taking a crucial step towards securing its sensitive government institutions with a new regulation aimed at phasing out Chinese-made surveillance cameras. This move comes amid growing concerns about potential security risks associated with such equipment.

Estimates suggest India has over two million surveillance cameras installed across the country. However, a significant portion, roughly one million, are believed to be manufactured by Chinese companies. These cameras raise national security anxieties due to the potential for data breaches and unauthorized access.

The situation is further complicated by the possibility of some Indian companies re-branding and reselling Chinese-made cameras as domestic products. This practice undermines the “Make in India” initiative and poses a significant security threat.

To address these concerns, the Indian government has implemented a new regulation that will come into effect on October 9, 2024. This regulation mandates the use of trusted sources for surveillance cameras in government projects. The extended lead time provides manufacturers with an opportunity to adjust their production and sourcing strategies.

The primary objective is to safeguard national security by eliminating potential vulnerabilities associated with Chinese-made cameras. However, the government also aims to promote domestic manufacturing and technological independence in the security camera sector.

The long-term impact of this regulation will be closely monitored. It has the potential to significantly enhance India’s security posture while simultaneously fostering domestic technological advancements and self-reliance in the critical security camera sector.