In a significant development towards achieving self-reliance in defense (Aatmanirbhar Bharat), India successfully airdropped an indigenously developed heavy platform during trials. This platform, designed by the Aerial Delivery Research and Development Establishment (ADRDE) and capable of carrying a substantial load of 45,000 pounds, was airdropped from an Indian Air Force (IAF) C-17 aircraft.
This successful test marks a major milestone in India’s journey towards self-sufficiency in defense equipment and capabilities. The ability to airdrop such heavy platforms significantly enhances the combat capabilities of the IAF’s C-17 fleet.
With the C-17 aircraft now able to carry and deploy multiple such platforms, the IAF gains greater flexibility and efficiency in its critical missions of delivering essential supplies and equipment to troops on the ground. This successful airdrop trial is a testament to the collective efforts and expertise of the IAF, the Indian Army, and the ADRDE, showcasing the strength of India’s indigenous defense innovation.