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In a concerning development, former heads of India’s intelligence agencies, Research and Analysis Wing (R&AW) and National Investigation Agency (NIA), have been placed under Z category security cover due to perceived threats from Khalistani groups operating from Canada and the United States. The decision to provide heightened security to Samant Goel and Dinkar Gupta comes in response to specific threat perception reports indicating a direct threat from these terror outfits, prompting the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) to step in and ensure the safety of these former top officials.

Recent intelligence assessments have highlighted an alarming trend of heightened activity among pro-Khalistani entities, particularly in North America. These groups, known for their radical ideologies and propensity for violence, have reportedly been targeting prominent figures associated with Indian security and intelligence apparatus.

In response to the credible threats, the Indian government has taken swift action to safeguard the individuals at risk. Samant Goel and Dinkar Gupta, who retired from their respective positions only weeks ago, have been provided with Z category security cover. This level of protection entails round-the-clock security personnel, fortified residences, and enhanced surveillance to deter any potential attacks. The deployment of CRPF personnel to ensure the safety of these former officials underscores the gravity of the situation and the government’s commitment to thwarting terrorist threats.