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Intelligence sources in India have raised concerns about China’s rapid military infrastructure development in the Depsang Plains, a disputed area within India-claimed territory in eastern Ladakh. This development comes amid the ongoing border standoff between the two countries that began in May 2020.

Reports suggest the Chinese army, also known as the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), has significantly accelerated infrastructure projects in the Depsang Plains. This includes the construction of new highways and roads, along with bolstering military installations along the north and south banks of Pangong Tso Lake, which also falls within India’s claimed territory.

In response to China’s actions, India has reportedly ramped up its own military presence in the Ladakh region. This includes strengthening existing military posts and deploying additional troops in a mirroring strategy to counter any potential Chinese aggression.

The situation along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the de facto border between India and China, has remained tense since the initial clashes in 2020. Despite multiple rounds of talks, a full resolution to the standoff remains elusive.

China’s intensified infrastructure development in disputed areas is likely to be viewed with concern by Indian policymakers. This move could be seen as an attempt by China to strengthen its hold on the territory and potentially alter the status quo on the border. The continued military buildup on both sides raises the specter of further escalation along the LAC.

It remains to be seen how the situation will unfold. The success of ongoing diplomatic efforts and the future actions of both countries will determine whether tensions de-escalate or if the border situation worsens.