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In a bid to woo the Indian Air Force (IAF) for the massive Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft (MRFA) tender, Boeing is making a two-pronged approach. They’ve not only offered their top-of-the-line weapon systems with the F-18E/F and F-15EX fighter jets, but are also surprisingly open to integrating Indian-made weapons.

This openness to integrating indigenous weaponry like the Astra Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile (BVRAAM), Smart Anti-Airfield Weapon (SAAW), and Next-Generation Anti-Ship Missile (NASM-MR) could be a significant advantage for Boeing in the competitive MRFA race.

The IAF is looking to procure 114 fighter jets, and this tender is valued at over $18 billion. To secure this lucrative deal, Boeing is showcasing its flexibility by offering both advanced American weaponry and compatibility with Indian-developed systems. This caters to India’s growing focus on self-reliance in the defense sector.

While details are yet to be disclosed, this move by Boeing indicates a potential for customization of the F-18 and F-15EX to better suit the IAF’s specific needs. This could involve adjustments to avionics, sensors, or communication systems to ensure seamless integration with Indian weaponry.

The competition for the MRFA tender is fierce, with other contenders like Lockheed Martin’s F-21, Dassault Rafale, and Eurofighter Typhoon also vying for the contract.