Chennai-based space startup Agnikul Cosmos has announced a delay in the test launch of its “AGNIBAAN SOrTeD” (Sub Orbital Technology Demonstrator) mission. Originally planned for March 22, 2024, the launch is now on hold to allow for additional readiness checks.
In a statement, Agnikul Cosmos cited the need for further preparations as the reason for the postponement. The company says it may require additional time beyond the originally planned NOTAM (Notice to Airmen) window. A new NOTAM will be issued soon to inform of the rescheduled launch date.
This is a minor setback for Agnikul Cosmos, a promising startup at the forefront of India’s private space industry. The “AGNIBAAN SOrTeD” mission is a critical step for the company, aiming to test its indigenous Agnilet engine in a real flight environment.
The exact date for the rescheduled launch remains to be determined. Agnikul Cosmos is expected to announce the new date shortly, along with details regarding the updated NOTAM window. The wait continues for space enthusiasts eager to witness this significant milestone for the Indian private space sector.