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The political temperature is already high in the country regarding the Lok Sabha elections. Meanwhile, the creator of ChatGPT, ‘OpenAI’, has made a big disclosure, due to which the political turmoil is likely to increase further. It claims it took action within 24 hours to stop the deceptive use of AI in covert campaigns focused on Indian elections.

In such a situation, there was no significant increase in the number of people using it. ‘OpenAI’ said in a report on its website that ‘STOIC’, an Israeli political campaign management firm, had published some material on the Gaza conflict as well as the Indian elections. Prepared. ‘In May, the network began producing commentaries focused on India, including criticism of the ruling BJP and praise of the opposition Congress Party,’ it said. “We disrupted some activities related to the Indian elections in May less than 24 hours after they began,” the report said.

OpenAI said it has banned a group of Israeli-run accounts that were being used to create and edit content for an influence campaign that spanned Xx, Facebook, Instagram, other websites and YouTube . “Through this campaign, people in Canada, the United States and Israel were targeted through content in English and Hebrew,” it said. In early May, it started targeting people in India through English-language content.’ Nothing much has been mentioned in detail in this.

Responding to the report, Minister of State for Electronics and Technology Rajiv Chandrashekhar said, ‘It is abundantly clear that the BJP was and is the target of campaigns, misinformation and foreign interference conducted by or on behalf of certain Indian political parties. ‘ He said, ‘This is a big threat to our democracy. It is clear that vested interests in India and outside are promoting this and it needs to be thoroughly investigated and exposed. My view at this point is that these platforms could have released this much earlier. OpenAI said it is committed to developing safe and broadly beneficial AI. It said it is committed to implementing policies that prevent abuse and bringing transparency about content created with the help of AI.