The Bengaluru-based ADE that had shared details of the High-altitude long endurance (HALE) class UAV that is under development with Hindustan Aeronautics Limited will play a crucial part in the HAL proposed Combat Air Teaming System (CATS), an Indian unmanned and manned combat aircraft air teaming system program.
HALE UAV which will be powered by a single TPE331-10 Turboprop Engine in a pusher configuration will second HALE Class UAV that will be part of the CATS program as HAL had revealed its plans to develop a HALE Class UAV that will be powered by a Turbo Fan Engine.
Classified as HALE-TP (Turboprop) and HALE-TF (Turbo Fan) will be deployed to provide support to manned and unmanned combat aircraft air teaming that will be developed for high altitude surveillance, performing autonomous deep penetration precision strikes from a standoff distance with maximum firepower while reducing human error and the threat on life.
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