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A major setback for Russia’s drone program: A heavy attack stealth drone, believed to be an S-70 Okhotnik, has been destroyed in what appears to be a friendly fire incident over the Donetsk front. The drone was allegedly shot down by a Russian Su-57 fighter jet near Konstantinovka.

Footage circulating on social media shows the aftermath of the incident, with severe damage to the drone and surrounding area. The red star on the drone’s wing is clearly visible, confirming its Russian origin. Ukrainian sources claim the drone was downed in Ukrainian-controlled territory, approximately 10 miles behind their lines.

The Russian Telegram channel Voennyi Osvedomitel suggests that “probable damage to the drone” prompted the Russian Air Force to intentionally fire upon it. However, the exact circumstances leading to the incident remain unclear.

Based on the available evidence, it appears that the destroyed drone was an earlier demonstrator model, less sophisticated than the more recent variants with enhanced stealth features. The fact that the S-70 and the fighter survived long enough to engage in combat over Ukrainian-held territory is surprising, given the region’s robust air defense systems.

The wreckage of the S-70 presents a valuable foreign material exploitation (FME) opportunity for Ukraine. It is likely that Ukrainian forces are working to recover as much of the drone as possible before it can be destroyed by Russian forces.

While Russia may attempt to strike the wreckage with a ballistic missile, their targeting cycles are generally slow, making it possible for Ukraine to recover valuable components.