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Hamza Azhar Salam, founder and editor of The Pakistan Daily, recently spoke to the Institute for Development and Diplomacy (IDD) about Azerbaijan’s recent acquisition of Chinese JF-17C (Block-III) jets. Salam expressed confidence that these jets, equipped with PL-15E air-to-air missiles, would provide Azerbaijan with a significant air superiority advantage over Armenia’s Su-30SM fighter jets.

The JF-17C’s advanced AESA radar and PL-15E missiles, with a range of 145 kilometers, are expected to play a crucial role in neutralizing any aerial threats posed by Armenia. Salam highlighted the potential for Azerbaijan to dominate the airspace and maintain a strategic advantage.

While Salam acknowledged the JF-17’s deployment against India in 2019, he did not elaborate on its specific role in those operations. It’s worth noting that the JF-17 primarily served as an air-to-ground weapons platform during that conflict and was not actively involved in dogfights, which were primarily carried out by F-16s.

The acquisition of the JF-17C jets is a significant development for Azerbaijan’s military capabilities. It positions the country to strengthen its regional security and deter potential aggression. However, the ultimate effectiveness of these jets in combat will depend on various factors, including pilot training, maintenance, and the overall strategic context.