During the eighth Aerospace & Defence Manufacturing Show (ADMS) held on October 26 and 27, 2023, in Bangalore, India, the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), an agency under the state-owned Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), unveiled an updated configuration of the Abhyas High-speed Expendable Aerial Target (HEAT).
The original Abhyas configuration, launched in 2013, featured twin underslung boosters. However, the new configuration boasts a single underslung booster with an improved rocket motor, an extended length of 2.44 meters, and a new wingspan (specific dimensions were not disclosed).
The modification was made to reduce the initial g-factor, according to an ADE official. The new Abhyas configuration enhances performance, offering improved thrust, endurance, and control, thanks to changes in propulsion and its integrated ADE electronics suite.
In its updated form, the 75 kg Abhyas now boasts a 30-minute endurance, a 2 g turning radius, and a speed of Mach 0.5, approximately 333.4 knots. This version is equipped with programmed weapon release, altitude hold, and heading hold functions, enabling it to maintain a constant attitude even in the presence of disturbances without external pilot input.
Furthermore, an Abhyas fitted with an automatic miss-distance indicator has been tested using an open-loop launch integrated with a reaction control system and a potentiometer. Additional tests using a closed-loop system are planned for November, marking a significant step in enhancing the capabilities of this high-speed expendable aerial target.
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