Larsen & Toubro (L&T), a leading engineering conglomerate in India, has commenced discussions with the Indian Army regarding the procurement of a second batch of K9 Vajra self-propelled howitzers. These talks aim to secure an order for an additional 100 units of the K9 Vajra, which will be specifically designed for high-altitude operations. The K9 Vajra is a 155 mm, 52-calibre tracked artillery system that has already been successfully deployed by the Indian Army.
The initial batch of K9 Vajra howitzers, totaling 100 units, was locally assembled by L&T in India under licensing agreements with South Korea. Originally intended for deployment in the desert terrain along the western border with Pakistan, these artillery systems demonstrated their versatility during the military standoff with China after the Galwan clashes. The K9 Vajra’s adaptability to high-altitude environments prompted the Indian Army to consider procuring a specialized version for such operations.
To cater to the specific requirements of high-altitude regions, L&T has developed high-altitude kits for the K9 Vajra. These kits will include modifications to the German MTU engine, fine-tuning it for optimal performance at high altitudes. Additionally, the fuel pump will be upgraded to enable cold weather to start even in sub-zero temperatures. These enhancements will ensure that the K9 Vajra maintains its operational effectiveness and reliability in the challenging terrains found at high altitudes.
The Indian Army’s decision to acquire a second batch of K9 Vajra howitzers reflects its confidence in the system’s performance and L&T’s capabilities in meeting its operational requirements. With this order, the Indian Army aims to augment its artillery capabilities along the western borders, taking the total fleet size to 300 units.
The K9 Vajra is highly regarded for its advanced features, including rapid deployment capabilities, exceptional firepower, and enhanced mobility. Equipped with a sophisticated fire control system and advanced communication systems, it provides the Indian Army with a significant advantage in modern warfare scenarios. The howitzer’s 155 mm, 52-calibre gun enables it to deliver accurate and lethal firepower against various targets, enhancing the army’s overall combat effectiveness.
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