India’s upcoming K-5 Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile (SLBM) is set to significantly enhance the country’s strategic nuclear deterrent. With a range of 5000 kilometers, the K-5 showcases its ability to reach targets across the Indo-Pacific region, including China.
As depicted in the image, Indian Naval SSBNs equipped with K-5 SLBMs can safely launch nuclear strikes on China from within the Bay of Bengal. This eliminates the need for SSBNs to venture into the Pacific Ocean or South China Sea, reducing the risk of detection and increasing survivability.
The K-5’s range also extends beyond China. It can target southern parts of Russia and, when deployed in the Arabian Sea, can reach the entire Middle East and parts of Eastern Europe.

In comparison, the K-4 SLBM, currently equipped on India’s second SSBN Arighat, has a range of 3500 kilometers. While it can target 85% of China, including major cities like Beijing, it cannot reach the northern provinces of Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, and Jilin. In the Arabian Sea, K-4 can target the entire Middle East but only a small portion of Eastern Europe.
The K-5 SLBM represents a significant advancement in India’s nuclear capabilities. Its increased range and improved accuracy provide a credible deterrent against potential threats and reinforce India’s status as a major nuclear power in the region.