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General (Retd.) MM Naravane, former Chief of the Indian Army, recently expressed concerns about China’s growing influence in Myanmar and its potential impact on India’s northeastern region.

In response to reports of Chinese weapons being supplied to Myanmar coinciding with unrest in India’s northeast, particularly Manipur, Gen. Naravane highlighted China’s strategic maneuvering. He stated that China, with its long shared border with Myanmar, is “fishing in troubled waters” – exploiting instability for its own gain.

Gen. Naravane emphasized the need for India to be aware of these developments, as they could lead to complications in the northeastern states. He pointed out the potential for increased violence and instability in the region due to external influences.

While not explicitly naming any specific foreign agencies, Gen. Naravane did not rule out their involvement in the ongoing violence. He suggested that certain actors benefit from the unrest and actively work to prevent a return to normalcy.

Gen. Naravane’s insights highlight the strategic complexities surrounding India’s northeastern border. Addressing the issues in Myanmar and potential Chinese involvement requires a multifaceted approach that considers both diplomatic and security measures to ensure regional stability.