Big Bang Boom Solutions, a Chennai-based technology firm, is on the cusp of a major breakthrough in defense technology. The company is in advanced negotiations with a UK-based company for the export of its innovative ‘See-Through Armor’ (STA) system, designed to provide tank crews with a 360-degree view of their surroundings.
The STA system, also known as the 360 Active Battle Interface, is a revolutionary technology that utilizes multiple RGB and thermal cameras strategically placed around the armored vehicle. This advanced setup offers tank crews a comprehensive, real-time view of their environment, including an 8x digital zoom capability, through a Heads-Up Display (HUD). The system boasts impressive detection, recognition, and identification (DRI) ranges for both humans and vehicles, ensuring superior situational awareness.
A key advantage of the STA system is its distributed architecture, eliminating the vulnerabilities associated with single-mast-based systems. The modular design allows for easy customization to meet the specific requirements of different armored platforms. Furthermore, the system’s use of Line Replaceable Units (LRUs) ensures uninterrupted operation even in the face of damage, enhancing its reliability and survivability in combat conditions.