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India’s military spending continues to rise, placing it among the top spenders globally according to a new report. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) released its findings on Monday, highlighting India’s position as the fourth largest military spender in 2023.

The report states that India’s military expenditure reached $83.6 billion in 2023, reflecting a 4.2% increase compared to 2022. This growth aligns with the global trend of rising military spending, which SIPRI attributes to a deteriorating global security environment.

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A new leak, possibly from hacker groups, has shed light on Russia’s ongoing efforts to localize and potentially improve the production of Iranian Shahed-136 kamikaze drones. These drones have been used extensively by Russia in its attacks on targets in Ukraine.

The leaked documents reportedly center around the Alabuga special economic zone in central Russia, where a dedicated production facility for the Shahed-136 is being established. This suggests Russia’s commitment to moving beyond relying solely on Iranian imports for these drones.

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India faces a complex security environment, and its borders require a layered air defense system to effectively safeguard against potential threats. While discussions often center around the Israeli Iron Dome system, India’s needs might be better served by a more comprehensive missile defense shield. Here’s why:

Pakistan’s possession of short-range ballistic missiles and long-range rockets, some exceeding 300 kilometers in range, poses a significant threat to Indian border towns. While the Iron Dome excels at intercepting short-range rockets and artillery shells, its effectiveness against longer-range ballistic missiles might be limited.

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The JF-17 Thunder, a lightweight fighter jet co-developed by China and Pakistan, has sparked debate about its design lineage. While its visual similarities to certain aircraft are undeniable, the true story behind its origins is more nuanced.

Initially, the belief was that the JF-17 stemmed from the MiG-33, a single-engine variant of the MiG-29 Fulcrum. The Soviet Union reportedly offered the MiG-33 design to China after the Cold War’s collapse. This theory gained traction due to the JF-17’s use of the RD-93 engine, a derivative of the RD-33 used in the MiG-29 family.

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India’s current military technology research and development (R&D) expenditure, hovering around 0.65% of GDP, stands in stark contrast to major powers like China (2.14%), the US (2.83%), and even South Korea (4.8%). This disparity presents a compelling argument for India to significantly increase its investment in this critical area.

With a low R&D budget, India remains reliant on foreign technology for critical defense equipment. This dependence can create vulnerabilities in times of geopolitical strain and limit India’s strategic autonomy. Rapid advancements in military technology can quickly render existing equipment obsolete. Without robust domestic R&D, India risks falling behind in the technological race, jeopardizing its military capabilities.

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Nigeria’s Air Force is set to receive a significant boost in its capabilities with the upcoming delivery of the first six M-346 Master light fighter-trainer aircraft from Italy. This marks the initial phase of a larger procurement deal involving a total of 24 M-346s.

The contract stipulates the delivery of the aircraft in four batches, each comprising six planes. This phased approach allows for pilot training and infrastructure development alongside the arrival of the new jets. Importantly, the deal also includes 25 years of logistical support from Leonardo, the Italian manufacturer.

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The Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) is nearing completion of the second prototype for its TAI Kaan fighter jet, a significant step forward in the development of this next-generation aircraft. The final assembly and engine integration processes are on track to be finished by June or July of this year, paving the way for a series of comprehensive flight tests.

This news comes after the successful maiden flight of the first Kaan prototype in February 2024. The second prototype will undergo a rigorous testing program to assess its performance capabilities and refine its design before mass production begins.

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Reports from the Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) community suggest Iran’s S-300PMU2 air defense system in Isfahan may have been damaged in a recent Israeli attack. While Iran operates the S-300PMU2 system, the specific radar targeted is believed to be a 30N6E2, also known as the Tomb Stone radar.

The New York Times, citing its analysis of satellite imagery, reported that a precision strike on the Eighth Shekari Air Base in Isfahan damaged or destroyed a “flap-lid” radar, a crucial component of the S-300 system used for tracking incoming targets.

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South Korea and India, both regional powers with growing military ambitions, are currently engaged in developing their own indigenous 5th generation fighter jets: the KF-21 (Korea Fighter-21) and the AMCA (Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft) respectively. While each program has its own unique goals and challenges, several key similarities exist between the two endeavors.

A core similarity lies in the strategic intent behind both programs. Both India and South Korea aim to reduce dependence on foreign suppliers for their most advanced fighter jets. Developing a domestic 5th generation aircraft fosters self-reliance in critical aerospace technologies and strengthens their respective military capabilities.

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The veil has been lifted on a historic experiment by the U.S. Department of Defense’s Office of Advanced Research Projects (DARPA). For the first time ever, an AI-controlled fighter jet engaged in a simulated air battle against a human pilot.

The robotic aircraft involved in this groundbreaking exercise was the X-62A, a modified version of the F-16 fighter jet. Equipped with sophisticated artificial intelligence algorithms, the X-62A aimed to demonstrate the potential for autonomous aerial combat. Its opponent? A seasoned human pilot flying a standard F-16.

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Last weekend’s massive Iranian missile and drone attack on Israel served as a real-world test of air defense capabilities. While Israel claims it successfully intercepted 99% of the incoming projectiles with its Iron Dome system, the event sparked discussions within India’s military about its own air defense readiness.

Indian military experts acknowledge the effectiveness of Israel’s Iron Dome, which has a range of approximately 70 kilometers. However, India is heavily invested in developing its own robust and indigenous air defense network.

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Eagle-eyed plane spotters recently captured images of a previously unseen high-speed drone carried by a Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) Xian H-6 bomber. This drone, believed to be the WZ-8, has garnered attention for its potential to significantly enhance China’s aerial reconnaissance capabilities.

The WZ-8 is reported to be a marvel of engineering, boasting speeds exceeding Mach 3 and a cruising altitude of 30 kilometers. This hypersonic performance surpasses most reconnaissance drones, placing it in a league of its own. While some resemblance exists to the American Lockheed D-21, the WZ-8’s unique dimensions, propulsion system, and blistering speed set it apart.

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Tensions flared again this week as Israel launched a limited missile attack on Iran, firing three missiles towards the city of Isfahan. Analysts believe this was a calculated move intended as a warning to Iran, not a full-scale assault.

Iran reportedly chose to de-escalate by not acknowledging the attack. However, the details surrounding the strike raise questions about Israeli capabilities and future intentions. Israel reportedly used a previously undisclosed air-launched missile, possibly a two-stage variant of the Sparrow family missiles produced by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. This secrecy surrounding the missile is a significant development.

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India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has taken a significant step towards self-reliance in aeronautical technology. The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), a branch of DRDO, has delivered the first batch of indigenously developed Leading Edge Actuators and Airbrake Control Modules to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).

This handover marks a major milestone for the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas Mk1A program. HAL’s Lucknow division is already geared up for volume production of these units to fulfill the current order of 83 LCA Tejas Mk1A jets.

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India’s planned establishment of a dedicated “Rocket Force” (IRF) is a significant development with far-reaching implications for regional security. While ballistic missiles will undoubtedly play a central role, sub-sonic cruise missiles (SCMs) are poised to become another critical pillar of this new force.

Unlike ballistic missiles with high-arcing trajectories, SCMs skim the Earth’s surface, making them difficult to detect and intercept.

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