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Prominent defence journalist Anantha Krishnan M has reported a concerning development for the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas program. According to Krishnan, Shri Sanjay Sharma, a crucial member working with the Integrated Flight Control System (IFCS) testing facility (Iron Bird) at the Aeronautical Development Establishment (ARDC), has resigned.

The IFCS is a vital system for any modern fighter aircraft, controlling its flight dynamics and stability. The Iron Bird facility simulates flight conditions for ground testing of the IFCS, playing a critical role in the Tejas program’s development.

Sharma’s departure, especially after reportedly being denied promotions three times in a row (2022, 2023, 2024), raises concerns about Hindustan Aeronautics Limited’s (HAL) human resource (HR) policies. Krishnan’s strong words, terming HAL as “Hindustan Arrogance Limited,” suggest a perception of inflexibility and a lack of employee motivation within the organization.

The immediate impact of Sharma’s resignation on the Tejas program’s timeline is unclear. However, losing experienced personnel can lead to delays and disruptions in project development. This incident underscores the need for immediate action from both the Ministry of Defence (MoD) and HAL. The MoD should investigate the situation and ensure that HAL’s HR policies are fair and meritocratic to retain skilled personnel. HAL, on the other hand, should take steps to address employee grievances and create a more conducive work environment to prevent further talent loss.