Assam Special Director General of Police (DGP) Harmeet Singh on Sunday said that special Investigation teams have been formed after several suspected Improvised Explosive Device (IED)-like objects from various locations of the state were detected on August 15. Earlier on August 15 (Independence Day), the Assam Police carried out searches for explosive devices in several places across the state on Independence Day after “suspicious articles” were found in a few cities and towns, including Guwahati. “Some bomb-like substances were found.
Special Investigation teams have been formed…Additional SP is heading the SIT…Our main job is to provide safety and security to the people of the state. We conducted a review meeting and brainstormed on the way forward.
Anybody who tries to hurt the people of the state will not be forgiven,” Assam Special Director General of Police told reporters. He further said that teams are tasked with conducting a thorough investigation to determine the nature of the substances and to ensure that those responsible are held accountable. After the detection of several suspected Improvised Explosive Device (IED)-like objects from various locations of the state, including Guwahati, the Assam police on August 16 announced a reward of Rs 5 lakh for concrete leads.
Assam DGP said that, yesterday police found two IED like objects from two locations in Guwahati and other places of the state and he assured the people of the state that Assam police will solve the case soon. “We request public support for information in the ongoing investigation on bomb-like devices planted by ULFA. Assam police have announced a reward of Rs 5 lakh for those who provide credible information.
We have also opened a mobile number and WhatsApp number,” the Assam DGP said. “Today we held a meeting with senior police officials and officers of the Guwahati Police Commissionerate and formed a SIT to investigate it. The Joint Commissioner of Police, Guwahati, will be in charge of SIT and the Commissioner of Police, Guwahati, will supervise it. In Guwahati, we have registered four cases. In other districts, we have also formed SITs to investigate it and Additional SP (Crime) will lead the SITs,” the Assam DGP added. The Assam DGP further said that, the case will be detected soon and will identify the persons who want to destabilize the situation in Assam and police will take action against them as per law.