The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has scheduled the launch of the 175.5 kg Earth Observation Satellite (EOS-08) and SR-0 DEMOSAT passenger satellite using the Small Satellite Launch Vehicle (SSLV) from the spaceport of Sriharikota on Friday The SSLV-D3, in its third and final developmental flight, carrying the EOS microsatellite and the DEMOSAT will soar into the skies from the First Launch Pad at 0917 hrs from the SHAR Range on Friday.
About 17 minutes after the lift off, the EOS-08 satellite and the 0.2 kg SR-0 DEMOSAT , developed by Space Kidz India, would be injected into a 475 km circular orbit with an inclination of 37.4 deg to the equator.
The countdown for the launch is expected begin on August 15, ISRO sources said. This mission completes the SSLV Development Project and enables operational missions by Indian industry and NSIL”, it said. ISRO had earlier scheduled the mission for August 15. EOS-08 is ISRO’s latest Earth Observation Satellite. The objective of the Mission was to demonstrate the repeatable flight performance of SSLV Vehicle Systems. The primary objectives of the EOS-08 mission include designing and developing a microsatellite, creating payload instruments compatible with the microsatellite bus, and incorporating new technologies required for future operational satellites.