The Border Security Forces of Meghalaya, in collaboration with Meghalaya Police, successfully apprehended a Bangladeshi smuggler/Tout near the international border of East Khasi Hills district. The individual, identified as Mohd Mijan Mia (49 years), is a resident of Sunamganj district, Bangladesh. Acting on specific info, troops of 193 Bn BSF Meghalaya in a joint operation with local police, apprehended a Bangladeshi smuggler from the jungle area near the international border.
During initial questioning, the apprehended individual disclosed that he has been operating as a tout, facilitating the illegal entry of Bangladeshi nationals into India and engaging in smuggling activities. The individual has been handed over to PS Dangar for further investigation and legal proceedings.
On August 26, acting on specific info, troops of BSF Meghalaya and local police, customs and LPAI, seized contraband items such as silver ornaments, sarees, mobile with accessories worth more than Rs48 lakhs in Dhaka-Shillong Maitri bus.
03 Bangladeshi bus staff members were also apprehended. On August 22, the vigilant troops of BSF Meghalaya successfully thwarted an infiltration attempt by apprehending four Bangladeshi nationals along with two Indian facilitators on International Border of East Jaintia Hills district.